
Blessing of Hands: Celebrating Spiritual Care Week

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there, your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139

On Wednesday, Oct. 26, as part of the Spiritual Care Week celebration, Chaplain Angela Lowe gathered in the Stormont Vail Health chapel with volunteers, nurses, and other team members for a Blessing of Hands.

She took this time to focus attention on the beauty and importance of letting the Holy Spirit work through the hands of those who heal. Regardless of title or status, Chaplain Angela told team members to remember they are called to help provide a caring environment for everyone who walks through the doors of Stormont Health.

A patient does not need to have a particular religious belief, or one at all, to be a part of this family and receive the loving care provided. Regardless of belief or faith, the Stormont Vail team knows that holding hands, a hand on a shoulder, or hands reaching out to help can make all the difference.

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