
Can I get a little help?

Asking for help is a hard, difficult and interpersonal struggle for most of us. It involves being vulnerable and trusting, both of which can be overwhelming and scary. Asking for help has been incorrectly linked with negative attributes that we do not want to be perceived as: helpless, needy or incompetent.

Too often we allow negative cognitive distortions to inaccurately frame our reality; we allow our minds to lie to ourselves. Asking for help is not a weakness. It is in and of itself one of our natural and innate strengths. Asking for help ignites the connectedness that each of us long for… an intrinsic desire to rejuvenate and grow as individuals and partners in our community.

As we have progressed and adapted to the pressures of 2020, many people have transitioned into the roles of caring professionals. Some have naturally evolved and some have stepped up to fulfill a need. They facilitate remote learning, transitioning into care giving roles, taking on taxing roles at work and within organizations, assuming the role of family for individuals who are isolated from loved ones and the list goes on. While some of us willingly trained and educated ourselves for careers in the helping profession, keep in mind that there was no introductory class that could adequately prepare us for the work we’re doing today.

Many of us are facing new and uncharted obstacles with relationships, work, school, parenting, education while wading through the ever-changing policies and procedures of the worldwide pandemic. Life is heavy. The mountain of emails to wade through and process is heavy. Managing news and social media is overwhelmingly heavy. So too are the feelings and emotions enmeshed with grief related to loss of traditions while unable to spend quality time with family and friends.

Ask for help! You are worthy and deserving of help. All of us, every one, you and I are worth it, the time, the energy, the effort. Practicing gratitude and acceptance, being comfortable to ask for help without negatively judging ourselves allows us to help others at a higher level, genuinely connecting with those that we serve and positively engage with; we are giving ourselves the gift of becoming better helpers.

Fred Rogers encouraged, “Look for the helpers.”
His mother reminded him to find these people in times of tragedy and anxiety, and it continues to ring true. “You can always find people who are helping.”


Reaching out to friends and family members for guidance and assistance is a valuable, cherished asset and resource. When life challenges and struggles progress beyond the capabilities of natural resources, please do not hesitate to ask for additional help. Therapy services are an excellent resource when needing additional assistance to process life events and challenges. Stormont Vail Behavioral Health provides a variety of therapy and treatment options to meet your specific needs.

Thank you for taking the time to engage with me. Please take time for self-care. Do something really nice for yourself today. You deserve it!

Brooke Webb-Gennusa, LSCSW, Clinical Therapist with Stormont Vail Behavioral Health

#WeTogether can overcome.

Be well!

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