
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health (Mar 29, 2022)

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Reflections on Becoming a Doctor
  • Celebrating Doctors’ Day
  • Current Status at Stormont Vail Health (English and Spanish)

Reflections on Becoming a Doctor

Children often look to the adults in their lives for role models – that’s why is it so important to be present in the lives of our youth and to provide positive interactions and support. When I was a young, among the important adults in my life were two of my uncles. Uncle Ed Slentz was one of the kindest and most gentle people I knew. He was always willing and eager to teach or explain about topics, and had a winsome personality. Uncle Bill Slentz was more taciturn, but was extremely smart.  Both were physicians.

I saw my uncles, my mother’s brothers, at large family gatherings and at holidays, including the 4th of July when we gathered at Uncle Bill’s lake house for fun with my cousins. Uncle Ed and Uncle Bill were internal medicine doctors, practicing together in Kansas City. They were a big part of the reason I went to medical school. They both were important role models, each in their own unique way.

Each of us can influence the young people in our lives to follow their dreams and work toward their goals. As I reflect on my own career path this Doctors’ Day, I feel so fortunate to have had my uncles in my life, encouraging me as I pursued my career in medicine.

Celebrating Doctors’ Day

Doctors’ Day is Wednesday, March 30. This is a day to celebrate and highlight our hardworking professionals who consistently go above and beyond to care for their patients and our community.

At Stormont Vail Health, we started our Doctors’ Day celebration Monday with a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch for our providers on campus, and cookies delivered to providers at outlying clinics. From all of us at Stormont Vail Health, we wish our physicians a happy Doctors’ Day! Thank you for your dedication and commitment to improving the health of our communities.

Current Status at Stormont Vail Health

    • 9 inpatients are COVID-19 positive.
    • 79% of recent COVID-19 admissions are unvaccinated or had last dose/booster more than 6 months ago.
    • COVID-19 inpatient discharges (previous day): 0. Deaths: 0.
    • 2 COVID-19 positive patients in the outpatient Enhanced Primary Care program.
    • 3.3% of people tested for COVID-19 at Stormont Vail facilities the past seven days were positive.
    • 3 team members and 0 providers on contact leave for COVID-19.
  • 102,273 vaccinations (included boosters) administered.
  • To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment:

We together,
Dr. Kenagy

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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health


We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health
