
Meet the Real A-Team

“If you have a problem, if no one else can help, maybe you can hire the A-Team.”

In 1983, the now iconic A-Team made their debut on the NBC television network. The show focused on a “crack commando unit” with unique character traits and specialties. The main A-Team members comprised of Lieutenant Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith (“The Brain”), Lieutenant Templeton “Faceman” Peck (“The Face”), Sergeant Bosco “B.A.” Baracus (“The Muscle”), and Captain H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock (the resident pilot).

The A-Team were highly trained, using their areas of specialties to help those in need. This is similar to the clinical sports team at Cotton O’Neil Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Like Hannibal, our team has the brains to develop comprehensive plans. Like Faceman, they are top of their field and the face of sports medicine in Topeka. They also have the fortitude of B.A. to get the job done. And, like Howling Mad, they guide their patient to where they need to be.

Our team of sports medicine specialists receive extensive training to ensure they can provide the highest possible care. From weekend warriors to college athletes, they work with patients of all ages and skill levels.

Playing sports can lead to injuries, especially as you get older. Your bones may become brittle and break more easily, your muscles may lose strength, and your joints may lose cartilage. This can cause injuries, such as:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Fractures (breaks) and dislocations
  • Knee, Achilles tendon, and rotator cuff injuries
  • Swollen and painful muscles
  • Shin splints

Our real-life A-Team works closely with patients, tailoring each treatment plan to fit their goals and lifestyles. They help patients relieve pain, build back their strength and coordination, and get them back in the game as quickly as possible. And much like the A-Team, they love it when a plan comes together!

Nonsurgical sports injury treatment options include:

  • Utilizing the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
  • Injections to reduce swelling and pain
  • Prescribing pain and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Securing wraps, slings, splints, braces or casts
  • Creating physical therapy sessions (also called rehabilitation or rehab) to heal and strengthen injured body parts

Don’t be sidelined with an injury. To make an appointment at Cotton O’Neil Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, call (785) 270-8880.

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