
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health (Apr 16)

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Mayo Clinic Care Network: 10 Years of Benefit to Stormont Vail Patients, Team
  • Sports Physical Clinic 2024
  • Congratulations to Hannah Deviney, BSN, RN, DAISY Award Winner
  • Excellence in EMS Award Nominations Now Open

Mayo Clinic Care Network: 10 Years of Benefit to Stormont Vail Patients, Team

When the parents of 13-year-old Derek Ahlstedt were given the option of brain surgery to help their son become potentially seizure-free after countless medications – they sought another expert opinion.

They had been receiving care from specialists at Children’s Mercy of Kansas City since Derek had an onset of the seizures as a toddler. They were confident in the multidisciplinary team of specialists at Children’s providing care for their son.

They were told the surgery would remove the small region of their son’s brain generating seizures. It was to be done by a pediatric neurosurgeon who specializes in epilepsy surgery using a state-of-the art surgical navigation and positioning system that could pinpoint the source of the seizure activity, without having to perform a more invasive procedure.

Derek’s parents, Sarah and Mike, took a pause.  Derek had a primary care physician through Stormont Vail.

“We knew Stormont Vail was a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network and that there were eConsults available through Stormont Vail providers,” said Sarah. “We wanted to have another medical opinion.”

eConsults, or electronic consults, involve a process where the patient’s records are provided to a Mayo specialist for a thorough review and an opinion on the plan of care.

“The Mayo expert reviewed Derek’s case and said they would do the same thing that Children’s Mercy proposed. They even offered to have us go to Minnesota for the surgery at Mayo,” Sarah added.

Since the family was already connected to the physicians and team at Children’s Mercy – and it was much closer to home in Topeka – they opted to have the surgery in Kansas City.

In November 2019, Derek underwent the surgery, then spent eight days in the hospital. The surgery has been successful and since has allowed Derek to enjoy life more fully as a youngster interested in scouting, sports and more independence.

Having the opportunity to have Mayo Clinic specialists review Derek’s case and confirm what his local providers were recommending was important to the Ahlstedt family. Since Stormont Vail Health joined the Mayo Clinic Care Network 10 years ago, 2,825 eConsults have been done. They offer physicians a tool to facilitate a review of complex or unusual medical issues and questions. Often, the care being provided is validated, with the patients continuing to receive care close to home – just like the Ahlstedt family’s experience

To learn more about how the Mayo Clinic Care Network has impacted patients, families and the Stormont Vail team over the past decade, please join us for the 10-Year Anniversary Celebration of Stormont Vail Health being a member of the Mayo Care Clinic Network. The event will be from Noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, 2024 in Pozez Auditorium and by Livestream.

Sports Physical Clinic 2024

​Mark your calendars and spread the word for our annual sports physical day on Saturday, May 4, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Cotton O’Neil Kanza Park, 2660 SW 3rd St. in Topeka. Student athletes should enter on the west side of the building and head up to the second floor. The sports physicals given at this clinic will be valid for the 2024/2025 sports season.

The event is open to all middle and high school student athletes. Each physical costs $20 by cash, check, or card. The student athletes do not have to be an active patient of Stormont Vail or Cotton O’Neil to participate.

Congratulations to Hannah Deviney, BSN, RN, DAISY Award Winner

We celebrate Hannah Deviney, an acute care nurse at Stormont Vail’s Topeka Hospital Post-Surgical Care Unit, for receiving the DAISY Award for taking time to support the comfort and dignity of a patient in her care.

“You always made eye contact with me when you were talking to me,” her patient wrote in the nomination. “You also explained every med you were giving me and what it was for. It was nice to have a little chat when it was too late to call my family. You told me it was okay to let you know what hurts. So I did. I hope you are recognized.”

Take a moment to learn more about Hannah’s well-deserved nomination.

Excellence in EMS Award Nominations Now Open

Did an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider or crew make a radical difference for you in your time of need? Now’s your chance to shine a light on their service! From now until May 8, consider nominating one or more EMS providers who went above and beyond for our annual Excellence in EMS Award. We’ll present the award to the winner at our EMS Celebration on May 24, so stay tuned for more details!

We together,

Dr. K

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We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health
