
We Together: A Communication of Stormont Vail Health (Feb 16, 2023)

Dear Community Partners,

Here are today’s updates:

  • Wear Red and Walk with a Doc Program in Topeka this Saturday:: Dr. Hisham Hakeem
  • “To Your Health” on WIBW-TV Tonight: Dr. Daulath Singh
  • Clinical Research Center Enrolling Patients for Early Alzheimer’s Disease and Chronic Cough

Wear Red and Walk with a Doc Program in Topeka this Saturday: Dr. Hisham Hakeem

Take a walk with Dr. Hisham Hakeem from Cardiovascular Services at the February Walk with a Doc. It will be 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, at Washburn University. Walkers are encouraged to wear Red in recognition of February being Heart Health Month.

Dr. Hakeem will share information about heart health. Participants should meet at the east side of Lee Arena at Washburn University. The walk is open to the community. Participation is free and pre-registration is not required. If it’s too cold or snowing, the walk will be done indoors.

Mark your calendar for the March Walk with a Doc: March 18 with Dr. Mary Franz, Cotton O’Neil Post Acute Care.

“To Your Health” on WIBW-TV Tonight: Dr. Daulath Singh

Learn about an opportunity through Stormont Vail’s Cancer Clinical Research Department on tonight’s WIBW “To Your Health.” Dr. Daulath Singh, oncologist, will share information about a partnership with the National Cancer Institute to conduct a clinical trial using blood samples to develop a screening test for the early detection of cancer. The trial is in search of healthy (no history of cancer) individuals who are be willing to set up one appointment for a consent, health questionnaire, and a blood sample. There will also be an optional second blood sample after one year. The study has certain age requirements.

The WIBW segment will air at 10 p.m. on WIBW-TV, Channel 13. The segment will typically repeat at 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. Fridays on 13 News This Morning and be posted on

Clinical Research Center Enrolling Patients for Early Alzheimer’s Disease and Chronic Cough

Early Alzheimer’s Disease: The Cotton-O’Neil Clinical Research Center is seeking participants for a clinical trial with Eli Lilly to evaluate investigational medication for people with memory changes.  The patient will receive brain imaging, cognitive assessments, and laboratory testing at no cost to the patient.  The current enrolling trial is with the investigational product called Remternetug, this a phase 3 trial in which the subject will receive the investigational product via infusion versus subcutaneous injections.  For more information, contact Brenda Bauer at 368-0719 or send a referral (REF2211) to the clinical research department.

Memory Loss – Know the 10 Signs:  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, early detection matters. Be aware of the 10 Warning Signs which include: memory loss that disrupts daily life, challenges in planning, difficulty completing tasks, confusion with time or space, and six additional signs. For the “Know the 10 Signs” list, visit Know the 10 Signs. Individuals with concerns about any of the warning signs can contact or be referred to the Clinical Research Center for a free memory screening. Trained and experienced research staff conduct the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and other baseline memory and cognitive rating scales; all MMSE data is entered in Epic. Contact clinical research coordinator, Sarah Nelson, MA, at (785) 354-0589.

Chronic Cough: The Cotton O’Neil Clinical Research Center is seeking participants for a new chronic cough study (CALM). This study is sponsored by Bellus Health and is studying the effectiveness of compound BLU-5937 for those who experience chronic cough. Participants are patients between the ages of 18 and 80 years old who experience a persistent cough for at least one year and do not currently smoke. The study will take place over a year with monthly visits. All study procedures will be provided at no cost and participants will be compensated for their time. For more information about this study, contact principal investigator, Salah Najm, M.D., or clinical research coordinator, Sarah Nelson, MA, at (785) 354-0589.

We together,
Dr. Kenagy

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